Mahjong Time
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Lorie1924 - 2980
Leanne27 - 2690
Klhtrain Yes 1830
Jessica17 - 1530
MJOJAM - 1400
aloug - 1220
Total:   11650

5/27/2024 12:06:27 AM Guild leader Klhtrain received the bonus 500Golden Coins
5/27/2024 12:06:27 AM Guild member Jessica17 with 2710 score and place 3 received 10000 Dragon Chips
5/27/2024 12:06:27 AM Guild member Leanne27 with 4410 score and place 1 received 15000 Dragon Chips
5/27/2024 12:06:27 AM Guild member MJOJAM with 2450 score and place 6 received 2000 Dragon Chips
5/27/2024 12:06:27 AM Guild member Lorie1924 with 3940 score and place 2 received 12500 Dragon Chips
5/27/2024 12:06:27 AM Guild member aloug with 2700 score and place 4 received 7500 Dragon Chips
5/27/2024 12:06:27 AM Guild member Klhtrain with 2490 score and place 5 received 3000 Dragon Chips
5/27/2024 12:05:00 AM Guild score 18700 was reset to zero.
5/27/2024 12:05:00 AM Guild finished weekly competition on 2 place.
5/20/2024 12:06:25 AM Guild leader Klhtrain received the bonus 500Golden Coins
5/20/2024 12:06:25 AM Guild member Jessica17 with 3970 score and place 1 received 15000 Dragon Chips
5/20/2024 12:06:25 AM Guild member Leanne27 with 3100 score and place 2 received 12500 Dragon Chips
5/20/2024 12:06:25 AM Guild member MJOJAM with 2100 score and place 6 received 2000 Dragon Chips
5/20/2024 12:06:25 AM Guild member Lorie1924 with 3090 score and place 3 received 10000 Dragon Chips
5/20/2024 12:06:25 AM Guild member aloug with 2340 score and place 4 received 7500 Dragon Chips
5/20/2024 12:06:25 AM Guild member Klhtrain with 2285 score and place 5 received 3000 Dragon Chips
5/20/2024 12:05:00 AM Guild score 16885 was reset to zero.
5/20/2024 12:05:00 AM Guild finished weekly competition on 2 place.
5/13/2024 12:06:25 AM Guild leader Klhtrain received the bonus 500Golden Coins
5/13/2024 12:06:25 AM Guild member Jessica17 with 2020 score and place 6 received 2000 Dragon Chips
5/13/2024 12:06:25 AM Guild member Leanne27 with 4295 score and place 1 received 15000 Dragon Chips
5/13/2024 12:06:25 AM Guild member MJOJAM with 3090 score and place 4 received 7500 Dragon Chips
5/13/2024 12:06:25 AM Guild member Lorie1924 with 3550 score and place 3 received 10000 Dragon Chips
5/13/2024 12:06:25 AM Guild member aloug with 2220 score and place 5 received 3000 Dragon Chips
5/13/2024 12:06:25 AM Guild member Klhtrain with 3710 score and place 2 received 12500 Dragon Chips
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