Do you love Mahjong Time? Take the next step and become a Mahjong Time member! Members
represent the core of the Mahjong Time community, and players that sign up for membership
gain access to a huge number of bonuses, benefits, and much more!
With a Mahjong Time membership, a player keeps an officially recognized ranking
that never expires, and shows the world your skills and achievements. Members
with official rankings gain access to higher ranked tables and tournaments, and
the highest ranked members are placed in the "Top 100" community section of the
Mahjong Time members also show off their individuality with custom avatars
which can be outfitted with hundreds of different items in the avatar shop. Avatars
can even be a picture of you!
Premium members receive up to 3000 free Dragon Chips daily, while VIP members
enjoy up to 5000 free Dragon Chips daily!*
Additional membership benefits include: Bonuses on in-game item purchases, Unlimited
settings (Tile color, Tile Style, Chat color, and more!), Access to the Game
Helper, and exclusive benefits for VIP members: one-minute game pause if you are disconnected,
possibility to upload own picture as avatar and a personal web page!
But that's not all! Members receive up to 50% discounts on tournament entries, 20%
discount on avatar accessories, a reduced Dragon Chip rake (as low as 0%!),
and other special events and promotions!
Memberships can be purchased on a "Monthly" or
"Annual" basis, with Annual memberships
offering nearly 20% in savings, for prices as low as only $4.16 per month!
Below is the full list of benefits to becoming a member:
Unlock the full Mahjong Time experience and become a member today!
*The Dragon Chips reloads are credited when the Dragon
Chip balance falls below 1,000 Dragon Chips and if you have available reloads for
the 24 hours period. VIP members receive 1,000 Dragon Chips up to 5 times a day
and Premium members receive 1,000 Dragon Chips up to 3 times a day.