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Tournament in memory of Adrie Van Geffen – a3geffen.

We are inviting you to join the tournament in memory of Adrie Van Geffen – a3geffen.

On June 14th, 2021, Adrie Van Geffen – a3geffen has passed away unexpectedly, and the world has lost a truly great man and a mahjong guru. He played many mahjong rules including MCR, Riichi, Hong Kong, Taiwanese very well.

Our relationship with Adrie started at the dawn of the Mahjong Time project. Adrie Van Geffen helped us with the tricky mahjong rules and scorings. He always had the time to listen and gave advice and assistance when needed.

He also ran a column in our blog, with tips and pointers for new and more skilled players. Adrie was always extremely helpful to new players in their endeavor to learn the game. Prayers and fond memories are what we must remember Adrie.

Adrie particularly enjoyed playing in our tournaments, and in his memory, we will host a tournament each year on Adrie’s birthday. This year we will play MCR rules. Perhaps, next year Riichi to continue Adrie Van Geffen’s legacy. It was truly a pleasure to have gotten to know Adrie, he will be missed dearly:

Adrie's Personal Page

Tournament details for the year 2021:

Date: Monday, August 16th 2021
Time: 10 AM Pacific Time; 6:00 PM UTC
Tournament Total Time: 4 Hours and 5 min; three seventy five-minute rounds with a 10- minute break between rounds
1st place prize: 1 year of VIP + 5000 Golden Coins
2nd place prize: 4000 Golden Coins
3rd place prize: 3000 Golden Coins
4th place prize: 2000 Golden Coins
5th place prize: 1500 Golden Coins
6th place prize: 1500 Golden Coins
7th place prize: 1500 Golden Coins
8th place prize: 1500 Golden Coins
9th place prize: 1000 Golden Coins
10th place prize: 1000 Golden Coins

Tournament Entry is Free: 300 Golden Coins will be refunded after successful completion of the tournament.
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