Mahjong Time
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Valentine's Day Promotions

Time Bank - Do not run out of time the next time you play, buy the Time Bank for half of the price!
Was: 100 Golden coins for 100 sec.
NOW: 50 Golden coins for 100 sec.

Coffee Break - This item is very useful when you need a break between deals.
Was: 100 Golden Coins for 10pc.
NOW: 50 Golden Coins for 10pc.

Voice Chat - Send and receive preset voice messages during the game.
Was: 10 Golden Coins for 10pc.
NOW: 5 Golden coins for 10pc.

Open Wall - Do you ever wonder where was the tile you have waited for? Now you can open the unfinished wall after the games is over.
Was: 10 Golden Coins for 10pc.
NOW: 5 Golden Coins for 10pc.
Don't forget, Premium Members receive 10% Bonus on all in-game items purchases and VIP Members receive 20% Bonus on all in- game item purchases!

Winners of February 12th 2011 TW Madness Tournament winners are : jade27 from United Kingdom - $200.00; once from Singapore - $100.00 and alien84 from Australia- $50.00.
Exciting News! The next Madness Tournament which will take place next Saturday, February 19th will have an added Bonus of up to 12 Madness Qualifier seats($210.00 Value) For each 4 players who participate at the tournament. Mahjong Time will add THREE BONUS MADNESS QUALIFIER SEATS to the prize pool! Remember, 4 players - Prize fund: $302.5(Prize Distribution: 1st -$150; 2d - $100; 3d - Two Qualifier seats($35.00 Value);4th - One Qualifier seat($17.5 Value)) ;
8 Players - Prize Fund: $605.00(Prize Distribution: 1st -$300; 2d - $200; 3d - Four Madness Qualifier seats; 4th - Two Madness Qualifier seats);
12 Players - Prize fund: $907.5(Prize Distribution: 1st -$450; 2d - $300; 3d - Six Madness Qualifier seats; 4th - Three Madness Qualifier seats);
and 16 Players - Prize fund: $1210(Prize Distribution: 1st -$600; 2d - $400; 3d - Eight Qualifier seats($140.00 Value);4th - Four Qualifier seats($70.00 Value))!

FOR TWO DAYS ONLY: Two of the daily TW Jackpots will have a starting bonus of $20.00. The second place finisher will receive a free entry to the TW Madness Qualifier($17.5 Value), and the third place finisher will receive an entry to the TW Madness Satellite($4.5 Value).

That is $42.00 of added Bonus!

Here's the bonus TW JackPot schedule:

Level US-Pacific Asia-Singapore Europe-London
Bronze 8PM - 2AM 11:00 - 17:00 04:00 - 10:00
Bronze 2AM - 8AM 17:00 - 23:00 10:00 - 16:00

And remember, every dollar you pay in entry fees earns you a Reward Point. Reward Points go towards your crown and monthly Madness Tournament seats, and pay you in cash.

Important Notes:
  • The qualifier seats are interchangeable, thus you could use them for Riichi or Taiwanese Madness Tournaments. If you can't participate in the TW event in November, you could use the seat(s) for another upcoming event!
  • After purchasing the Qualifier seat(s) and participating in the Qualifier event(s), you will receive a rebate credited to your account within 24 hours

Diamond, Gold, and Silver crowns can receive seats for free! After purchasing the following seats, members will receive a rebate credited to their account within 24 hours:
Diamond Crown - For every 1000 Reward Points you have earned the previous month you will receive 2 free satellite seats.
Gold Crown - For every 1000 Reward Points you have earned the previous month you will receive 1.5 free satellite seats.
Silver Crown - For every 1000 Reward Points you have earned the previous month you will receive 1 free satellite seat.

Here are the details:

Madness Tournament
Prize Pool: From $250 to $1,000
Rules: TW
Tournament Rounds: 4 Players - One Round; 8 Players- One elimination round and a 4 player final; 12 Players - Two elimination rounds and a 4 player final; 16 Players - One preliminary round, then an 8 player elimination round and a 4 player final round.
Min. Points: 6 Points
Players: 4 -16
Play Time: up to 180 min.
Date and Time: Saturday, January 29; Saturday February 5th and Saturday, February 12th at:
US/Pacific(PDT) 4:00 AM
Tokyo(UTC+9) 21:00
Singapore 20:00
Europe/London(GMT) 12:00
Buy - in directly to the tournament: $67.5

Players: 4
Play Time: 30 min.
Rules: TW
Min. Points: 6 Points
Date and Time: Mondays at:
US/Pacific(PDT) 5:00 AM
Tokyo(UTC+9) 21:00
Singapore 20:00
Europe/London(GMT) 13:00
Prize: Free Entry to Qualifiers

Date and Time: Saturdays at:
US/Pacific(PDT) 7:00 AM
Tokyo(UTC+9) 23:00
Singapore 22:00
Europe/London(GMT) 15:00
Prize: Free Entry to Qualifiers

Players: 4
Play Time: 45 min.
Rules: TW
Min. Points: 6 Points
Date and Time: Mondays at:
US/Pacific(PDT) 6:00 AM
Tokyo(UTC+9) 22:00
Singapore 21:00
Europe/London(GMT) 14:00
Prize: Free Entry to Madness Tournament

Date and Time: Saturdays at:
US/Pacific(PDT) 8:00 AM
Tokyo(UTC+9) 24:00
Singapore 23:00
Europe/London(GMT) 16:00
Prize: Free Entry to Qualifiers

Registration & Check-in: The registration closes 30 mins before the tournament starting time. The registered players are required to check-in(login to the game) 15 minutes before the tournament starts.

Important Notes: If you win more than one seat to the Madness Tournament, you can use your spare seats as entry into next month's Madness Tournament! Free Seats can not be carried over to the next month. In case of a tie each player receives half of the prize or half of the credit

TW and RCR satellites, qualifiers and tournament seats are interchangeable. This means that if you win a TW satellite you can choose to participate in either a TW or RCR qualifier, and vice-versa.

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