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January 2015 Software Update

Auto Pass

New in-game settings are being introduced, which will allow players to toggle automatic passing on chows and pungs. So, if you have a concealed hand and know in advance that you will not be declaring chows and/or pungs, you can toggle auto-pass on and the system will not prompt you for a declaration when a chow and/or pung tile is thrown. This new functionality brings two advantages to the game:
  • This will speed up the game, since the system will not need to wait on a decision from players who do not want to declare.
  • If you have auto pass on, the system won’t pause on your turn so that no clues about your hand are given to your opponents.

New Total Score Screen

The Total Score Screen that is shown at the end of every game will be redesigned with a new layout, allowing for a more intuitive at-glance look at the point distribution. New visual and audio effects will also accompany the end of the game.

Both updates are scheduled for release at the end of February / beginning of March

Patch Notes (01/29/15)
You can review the detailed list of changes here: Patch Notes

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