Download the latest Beta:
This month, we added and improved the following essential features of our EON Beta(v2.3.7):
Safe Discard Help for VIP and Premium subscribers-
When you select a tile in your hand by mouse or keyboard while it is your move to discard a tile from your hand, the already discarded tiles that match the selected tile in your hand raise up just enough to distinguish selected tile in your hand from the other previously discarded tiles.
This new feature helps to find safer discards in your hand quicker and more efficiently, and it is available to all players in this Beta release. When the Beta becomes the live version of the game, this feature will be restricted to VIP and Premium subscribers only.
Game Speed -
The overall speed of play increased as a result of improved processing of animations during the gameplay.
Wall or Hand Tile Discard -
The latest Beta offers a more explicit way for players to see whether your opponent discarded a tile from hand or the wall.