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Player Profile Roxan

This month, we would like to spotlight a very special Mahjong Time Player. Bo Lang (username:Roxan) was crowned The Best European MCR player of 2009! This title is in addition to her 2009 2nd place OEMC standing. What a great year for Roxan! Living in Switzerland, Roxan discovered Mahjong Time back in 2005 and used it as a platform to develop her skills, make new friends, and score many victories in both online and live tournaments. In her own words: "You know I owe it much to Mahjong Time since this is the only place I play MCR aside from live tournaments. This is where I practice, this is where I developed my skills and for that I am forever grateful. I never expected to be European Champion, not even in my wildest dreams!" We had the chance to ask Roxan a few questions to get to know her better:

Q: How did you originally discover multiplayer Mahjong?

A: I used to play online games (not multiplayer) and I saw an advertisement of Mahjong Time on one of the sites (I forgot which one) and since then I got hooked and only play at Mahjong Time.

Q: How long have you played at Mahjong Time?

A: Since 2005, when Mahjong Time was barely new so I guess I’m one of the pioneers.

Q: What do you like most about Mahjong Time?

A: The fact that Mahjong Time continuously improve their site over the years. And of course Mahjong Time is my practice ground since I hardly play live here in Switzerland unless Hwa, Janco, Aurea or Credmo comes and visit me.

Q: How long did it take you to learn and become as good as you are at Mahjong? Was it easy?

A: I’ve been playing mahjong for over 30 years but MCR I only learned when I joined Mahjong Time. I studied the rules and scoring for Chinese Official every night for about 2 weeks and then played a lot of times online. It wasn’t easy, I had quite a bit of false mahjongs but that’s when you learn…fast!

Q: What advice would you give to Mahjong players who are just starting out?

A: Don’t be afraid or intimidated to play with high level players. Take it as a challenge. When I was new, I always try to play with green or brown belters. Some of the games I saved and then analyze where I went wrong. I know for a fact that there are a number of players who save some of my games and try to study (for lack of better word) them. If they can improve their mahjong skills, then by all means do so.

Q: What other interests/hobbies do you have in addition to Mahjong?

A: Reading (at home), playing cards (with friends) and I just love to sing and dance…

Q: Which style of Mahjong do you like best? Why is this your favorite?

A: Chinese Official because it is more interesting and challenging.

Q: Tell us more about yourself! What would other Mahjong Time players be surprised to know about you?

A: Let’s see… I am a Filipina living in Switzerland for the last 9 years and happily married to a Swiss for 22 years. I have a daughter named Roxan who was born in Thailand and an 18 year old son who was born in Hong Kong. I’ve got 6 sisters living in 4 continents (Asia, Australia, America & Europe and pretty soon the Middle East, too). The thing I enjoy most when playing live mahjong is the feel for the tiles. I have a 99% accuracy. I still can’t get the 6 and 9 characters right!

Q: Looking back on your Mahjong Time experience, what would you say was your favorite tournament to play in?

A: I guess it would be the Online French Mahjong Championship because I won the tournament and got a nice prize & trophy.

Mahjong Time sends our heartiest congratulations to Roxan, and wishes her the best of luck in 2010!

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