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Player Profile - Dees


Our player profiles are your chance to learn more about some of the people you see online and have played against! For this month, we are spotlighting a very special Dutch Player Dees (Désirée Heemskerk) who discovered Mahjong Time in 2005 and since then she plays at Mahjong Time! Dees won OEMC Online 2009 and has a golden green dragon for it. Désirée participates in many online and live tournaments, she has won multiple European tournaments, finished 10th in World Mahjong Championship in Chengdu and is currently leading the European Ranking in Riichi. Mahjong Time is honored to have a player as skilled as Dees to compete on our site. We had chance to ask Désirée Heemskerk a few questions:

Q: How long have you played at Mahjong Time?
Some members of the ENMV discovered it and they liked it very much. I did take a look at 2005-12-12 and became a member immediately. And since then I play at mahjongtime.

Q: How often do you play online?
The first years very much, almost all the freetime I had and later on it varies from once in a few month till 10 games a week.

Q: What do you like the most about Mahjong Time?
I can play whenever I want, wherever I am with real players. It is a good way to teach other people the wonderful game, so I hope it will make mahjong more popular. Lately I'm very happy with the speedchange, I prefer fast playing.

Q: Looking back on your Mahjong Time experience, what would you say was your favorite tournament to play in?
What can I say... of course the european MCR championship 2009. I became number 1.

Q: What other interests/hobbies do you have in addition to Mahjong?
Different games (not for gambling!), reading thrillers, visiting music-events, eating (very bad for me).

Q: Which style of Mahjong do you like best? Why is this your favorite?
RCR because I think it is the most tactical game of the rulesets I know (MCR, RCR, Hongkong and Dutch rules). Tactical in the way of playing defensive and calculating the risks. Of course it is also a lucky game with the dora's. But I like the ready declaration e.g.

Q: Tell us more about yourself! What would other Mahjong Time players be surprised to know about you?
I'am a social worker for 4 days a week in a psychiatrical hospital, where I help people to get back to work, getting there finance okay or living on their own again. I like elephants, next to my mahjongtrophee/games vitrine is one with only elephants. My mom is playing on mahjongtime too, she is Yvonneke. She dont speak any English, but she likes the game so much that she dont mind she cant follow the chats. I'm living alone since almost 4 years and I have a LAT-relationship.

Q What is better: playing live or playing online?
I prefer live games, because of the influence of pokerfaces. Besides I like to meet people from different countries.

Q: On the subject of online play, what kind of advice would you give to the online player?
If you like the game, play a lot to get better and once join a IRL tournament to meet a lot of the MJT players. Afterwards it is even more fun to play online, because you know the people behind the names.

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