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Player Spotlight: smallprince

This month, we are spotlighting the Russian player Oleg Logvinov (username: smallprince). Oleg has been playing at Mahjong Time for over two years! Oleg is a very diverse player, holding Top 100 rankings in Hong Kong and Mahjong Competition Rules. Oleg has also taken 2nd and 3rd place in MCR GMTs in 2010 and 2011! Mahjong Time got the chance to ask Oleg some questions:

Q: How did you originally discover multiplayer Mahjong?
A: First time I played Mahjong in my childhood, about 15 years ago. My relatives presented me Mahjong cards with European (Classic) rules description. But soon I forgot about it. And accidentally found Mahjong Time site three years ago. I was really surprised to discover there were so different rules and games of Mahjong! So I landed in the world of this beautiful game. Started with familiar Classic rules, I learned Hong Kong and finally was hooked on Modern Competition rules which become primary for me.

Q: How often do you play online?
A: Three or four days a week about an hour and a half. Besides I try to improve my skills by reading Mahjong devoted books, analyzing different hands, developing strategies and so on.

Q: How long have you played at Mahjong Time?
A: I started in december 2009, so more than two years.

Q: What do you like the most about Mahjong Time?
A: Unfortunately Mahjong isn't so popular in Russia. There is only one small club In Moscow to gather and play. Also I play with my friends at home but not so often. Mahjong Time gives an incredible ability to compete with people from different countries with such different attitudes to the game anytime not leaving home.

Q: Tell us more about yourself! What would other Mahjong Time players be surprised to know about you?
A: Firstly I'm Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, specialized in Mechanics of Continua. Secondly I'm a novice Russian writer, my debut novel "Asketic Russia" published this year has already come to the book-stores. And now my publishing company negotiates translation it into English. Maybe soon you'll enjoy it!

Q: Which style of Mahjong do you like best? Why is this your favorite?
A: MCR rules are primary for me. They are very special, aggregating many styles of Mahjong and giving a huge variety in hand construction. But maybe too complex for the worldwide propagation and also having some obvious problems like self-draw inflation. Last year I discovered Zung Jung system and made a Russian translation of these rules. Suppose that this system suits good for both casual family playing and international tournaments, 'cause it's simple and clear for the spectators.

Q: What is better: playing live or playing online?
A: Playing online gives a great opportunity to learn 'cause you can construct so many hands in so many ways. Also online tournaments with players all over the world are so exciting! But only live playing is a real competition where all is important: psychology, overall mood and skills of course. Thats the main thing.

Q: On the subject of online play, what kind of advice would you give to the online player?
A: Never stand still. Move on, improve your skills. Mahjong Time provides another opportunity to revise your hands. Don't neglect it! Analyze your mistakes and learn from more skillful players by watching their games.
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