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Player Profile: maechen

This month we are spotlighting a player who currently lives in Japan, Eduardo López Herrero (username: maechen). We want to recognize our solid member players who enjoy competitive mahjong and establishing solid ratings! Among Eduardo’s many achievements like a Black Belt in RCR, a medal for winning the 3rd place in an RCR Madness Tournament! Mahjong Time had the chance to ask Eduardo a few questions:

Q: How did you originally discover multiplayer Mahjong?

Several years after moving to Japan, I was introduced to the game by some people I met at a Tokyo pub, including the pub owner. We used to go to a nearby mahjong parlor after pub hours and play till morning.

Q: How often do you play online?

Lately I'm playing almost every day. It depends on how busy I am at the moment.

Q: How long have you played at Mahjong Time?

Since December 2008.

Q: What do you like the most about Mahjong Time?

Playing online means that you don't have to make a lot of phone calls (and sometimes be yelled at by angry wives) to make a table. Mahjong Time in particular has a very friendly atmosphere.

Q: Tell us more about yourself! What would other Mahjong Time players be surprised to know about you?

I have to confess that mahjong is my second favorite game. I'm basically a go (weiqi in Chinese, baduk in Korean) player who also plays mahjong. As for work, I am a translator specialized in video games. Has anybody played the Spanish version of a Final Fantasy title (from FFVIII on, to be precise)?

Q: Which style of Mahjong do you like best? Why is this your favorite and why?

I only play riichi. Here in Japan that's the only existing style so naturally I learned it. I did try other styles briefly at MJT but they didn't appeal to me enough to make the effort and study them (after 50, all learning curves are quite steep, you know.)

Q: What is better: playing live or playing online?

Playing live is a fuller experience, with more human contact besides the game itself. I have to admit that the intellectual level of conversation tends to be quite low (including incredibly lame jokes) when you play into the wee hours, but it's fun nevertheless.

Q: On the subject of online play, what kind of advice would you give to the online player?

I'd advice riichi players to 1) keep their hands closed, and 2) don't try to go out on every hand. This doesn't apply only to online play, though.

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