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Tournois Officiels:

Tournoi Date de début Règlements Joueurs inscrits Prix Résultats État
Second American Mah Jongg Black Belt Tournament 02/15/2025
Horaire du tournoi
AM Joueurs inscrits Special prize + 50/35/15

Second American Mah Jongg Black Belt Tournament Details:

    Date: February 15th
    Time: 9 AM Pacific Time (12 PM Eastern Time)
    Participants: Open to all black and brown belt American Mah Jongg players
    Entry Fee: 500 coins
    Rounds: 4 per tournament
    Game Timer: 55 minutes

Special VIP Gift:

In recognition of the skill and dedication of the top performers, the first three winners of the American Mah Jongg Black Belt tournament will receive a Special VIP Gift. This One-Year VIP Membership must be given to another player's account and cannot be redeemed by the winner for themselves, ensuring the spirit of sharing and community remains at the forefront.

Points will be awarded based on each player's placement, and cumulative points will determine the final standings.

Prize Distribution:

The prize pool will consist of the gold coins collected from entry fees.

    First Prize: 50% of collected coins
    Second Prize: 35% of collected coins
    Third Prize: 15% of collected coins

L'inscription est ouverte
Combined MCR Black Belt Tournament 02/15/2025
Horaire du tournoi
MCR Joueurs inscrits 50+VIP / 35 / 15

This is a result-summarizing tournament. This means the results of all laps are tallied at the end.

The first three places share the prize pool in a percentage split of 50-35-15.

All Black Belt Tournament Details:

    Date: February 15th
    Start Time: 8 AM Pacific Time / 5 PM Budapest Time
    Format: 4 laps, each lasting an hour
    Participants: Open to both brown and black belt MCR players
    Entry Fee: 500 Golden Coins

Black Belt Scoring Continuity:

Black belt players will carry over half of their scores from the All Black Belt Tournament to the Combined Black Belt Tournament.
Prize Distribution:

The prize pool consists of the gold coins collected from entry fees.

    First Prize: 50% of collected coins plus a One-Year VIP Membership
    Second Prize: 35% of collected coins
    Third Prize: 15% of collected coins

Rake Percentages:

    VIP Members: 0% rake
    Premium Members: 10% rake
    Free/No Subscription Players: 20% rake

Tournament Structure:

    Rounds: 4 per tournament
    Game Timer: 60 minutes
    Table Minimum Points: 8

Scoring and Ranking:

Points are awarded based on placements in each tournament. Cumulative points from both tournaments will determine overall rankings.

Tie-Breaking Rules:

If there's a tie in cumulative points, the player’s performance in the Combined Black Belt Tournament will be decisive. If a tie still remains, the number of individual game wins across both tournaments will determine who ranks higher.

Fair Play and Disqualification:

Repeated absences, disconnections, or unsportsmanlike behavior may lead to disqualification. Mahjong Time enforces rules for integrity and fairness.

L'inscription est ouverte
MCR GMT January 2025 01/25/2025
Horaire du tournoi
MCR Joueurs inscrits $550 in prizes for Top 10 with Yearly VIP for Top 3

Medal on the avatar for the first 3 places

1st place prize: 1 year of VIP + 7000 Golden Coins

2nd place prize: 1 year of VIP + 6000 Golden Coins

3rd place prize: 1 year of VIP + 5000 Golden Coins

4th place prize: 4000 Golden Coins

5th place prize: 3000 Golden Coins

6th place prize: 2000 Golden Coins

7th-10th place prizes: 1000 Golden Coins

L'inscription est ouverte
American Mah Jongg GMT January 2025 01/18/2025
Horaire du tournoi
AM Joueurs inscrits $550 in prizes for Top 10 with Yearly VIP for Top 3

Medal on the avatar for the first 3 places

1st place prize: 1 year of VIP + 7000 Golden Coins

2nd place prize: 1 year of VIP + 6000 Golden Coins

3rd place prize: 1 year of VIP + 5000 Golden Coins

4th place prize: 4000 Golden Coins

5th place prize: 3000 Golden Coins

6th place prize: 2000 Golden Coins

7th-10th place prizes: 1000 Golden Coins

L'inscription est ouverte
First American Mah Jongg Black Belt Tournament 01/12/2025
Horaire du tournoi
AM Joueurs inscrits Special prize + 50/35/15

American Mah Jongg Black Belt Tournament Details:

  • Date: January 12th
  • Time: 9 AM Pacific Time (12 PM Eastern Time)
  • Participants: Open to all black belt American Mah Jongg players
  • Entry Fee: 500 coins
  • Rounds: 4 per tournament
  • Game Timer: 55 minutes

Special VIP Gift:

Points will be awarded based on each player's placement, and cumulative points will determine the final standings. Additionally, half of the points earned in the first tournament will carry over to the second tournament, providing ongoing momentum as players vie for top positions.

Prize Distribution:

The prize pool will consist of the gold coins collected from entry fees.

  • First Prize: 50% of collected coins
  • Second Prize: 35% of collected coins
  • Third Prize: 15% of collected coins
L'inscription est ouverte
MCR Black Belts Exclusive Tournament 01/12/2025
Horaire du tournoi
MCR Joueurs inscrits 50+VIP / 35 / 15

This is a result-summarizing tournament. This means the results of all laps are tallied at the end.

The first three places share the prize pool in a percentage split of 50-35-15.

All Black Belt Tournament Details:

  • Date: January 12th
  • Start Time: 8 AM Pacific Time / 5 PM Budapest Time
  • Format: 4 laps, each lasting an hour
  • Participants: Exclusively for black belt MCR players
  • Entry Fee: 500 Golden Coins

Black Belt Scoring Continuity:

Black belt players will carry over half of their scores from the All Black Belt Tournament to the Combined Black Belt Tournament.

Prize Distribution:

The prize pool consists of the gold coins collected from entry fees.

  • First Prize: 50% of collected coins plus a One-Year VIP Membership
  • Second Prize: 35% of collected coins
  • Third Prize: 15% of collected coins

Rake Percentages:

  • VIP Members: 0% rake
  • Premium Members: 10% rake
  • Free/No Subscription Players: 20% rake

Tournament Structure:

  • Rounds: 4 per tournament
  • Game Timer: 60 minutes
  • Table Minimum Points: 8

Scoring and Ranking:

Points are awarded based on placements in each tournament. Cumulative points from both tournaments will determine overall rankings.

Tie-Breaking Rules:

If there's a tie in cumulative points, the player’s performance in the Combined Black Belt Tournament will be decisive. If a tie still remains, the number of individual game wins across both tournaments will determine who ranks higher.

Fair Play and Disqualification:

Repeated absences, disconnections, or unsportsmanlike behavior may lead to disqualification. Mahjong Time enforces rules for integrity and fairness.

L'inscription est ouverte

GMT Tournoi

Rondes du tournoi:

Le tournoi se compose de 4 rondes de 50 minutes chacune (sauf NMJL (MJMP) - 3 rondes à 1 heure chacune). Pause de 10 minutes.

Détails sur la table:

Min points: Hong Kong - 8, Taïwanais - 6, MCR - 8, NMJL (MJMP) - 0 , Riichi - 1 yaku
Classement: Non
Fleurs: Hong Kong, Taiwan , MCR , NMJL ( MJMP ) - Oui, RCR - Non
Assistant de jeu: Oui

Enregistrement et Arrivée:

L'enregistrement ferme 30 minutes avant l’heure de début du tournoi. Les joueurs inscrits doivent arriver (se connecter au jeu ) 15 minutes avant le début du tournoi.


A la fin de chaque ronde, chaque joueur recevra un “point de la table" selon le score. La distribution des points de table est la suivante:
  • Meilleur score : 4 pts
  • 2ème meilleur score: 2 pts
  • 3ème meilleur score: 1 pt
  • Le plus bas score: 0 pt
Si deux joueurs (ou plus) terminent à la même position, ils partagent également les points additionnels. Par exemple: 0,5 point chacun (la moitié de 1 + 0) pour deux joueurs arrivant en dernière place. Les classements des tournois sont déterminés selon les points de table. Les joueurs ayant plus de points de table dans une partie une meilleure position lors du tournoi. En cas d'égalité en points de table entre les joueurs, le joueur avec le score global le plus élevé sera mieux classé. Dans le cas improbable où les deux joueurs sont à égalité dans les deux points de table du pointage total, le joueur qui a gagné plus de mains dans le jeu sera mieux classé.

Frais d’inscription:

Frais d'inscription au tournoi est de 100 pièces d'or (1$). Cependant, pour assurer la fréquentation du tournoi tous les joueurs du tournoi doivent s'inscrire avant l'événement pour 500 pièces d'or (5$) et 400 pièces d'or sont remboursés à leur compte après la réussite du tournoi.Tous les joueurs doivent avoir atteint l'âge légal de la majorité dans leur jurisdiction ou au moins 21 ans (le plus élevé) . Personne qui est sous cette limite d'âge est autorisé au tournoi. Le joueur doit être un membre de Mahjong Time au moment de l'inscription.

Le Tournoi est joué par les règles correspondantes. Voir la section d'information de jeu de ce site web pour une description détaillée des règles : En savoir plus

Les Termes et Conditions de la convention de compte de Mahjong Time peuvent être consultés à l’adresse suivante: En savoir plus
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