Mahjongg is a Chinese sport played with 144 tiles, small rectangular blocks of wood or ivory with a face showing a variety of characters and designs. There are 108 suit tiles (bamboo, circles, and characters), 28 honor titles (winds and dragons), along with 8 flower tiles. The game is well known under a large number of alternate names, including Mahjong, Man Chu, Mah Diao, Ma Chong, Mah Chong, Ma Chiao, Mo Tsiah, Ma Chiang, Ma Cheuk, Ma Jong, Pung Chow, Ching Chong, Kong Chow, Mah Deuck, Mah Cheuk, Ma Chiang, Pe Ling, Lung Chan, Mah Lowe, Baak Ling, and more. The game "at least in computer versions", is played in two principal ways: traditional and solitaire. The traditional game is played with four players, while the solitaire game is played by means of one, and consists completely of matching tiles from various layouts
The most celebrated Mahjongg solitaires for Windows comprise the versions released by Gamehouse: Super Mahjongg Solitaire, Shockwave: Mahjongg Solitaire, Real Arcade and Big Fish Games, and of course, there are more than enough of other versions available. But no one projected mahjong solitaire on 5 platforms. The game is accessible for free download for Windows, Palm, Pocket, and Mac. Pick the device and download Mahjong game for free. This mahjong game consists of 4 diverse variants of the game, together with some extremely new mahjong style games as well as the classic Chinese version of mahjongg. You just need to download the game and prefer the game you like. Read about Free Mahjongg Games
Free Mahjongg Solitaire in astonishing 3D environments, like Chinese temple environment with torchlight illuminating the playing tiles! 3D Magic Mahjongg presents the typical Mahjongg Solitaire tile matching game with vibrant lighting and a tranquil multi-layered soundtrack. Extremely easy to learn but hard to stop playing! For any person who has ever played a variation of Mahjongg and liked it, you'll adore 3D Magic Mahjongg! It is non-violent and fun for all ages. Read about Free Mahjongg Game in 3D
Free Mahjongg Game NingPo