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Mahjong Time - Second American Mah Jongg Black Belt Tournament


Special for Brown Belts: Brown belt players are not eligible for prizes. The sole benefit for a brown belt winner is promotion to black belt status if they win the

Special VIP Gift:

To celebrate the holiday season and the spirit of giving, the first three winners of each American Mah Jongg Black Belt tournament will receive a Special VIP Gift. This gift is a token of achievement that is meant to be shared with someone else. Winners are invited to award this One-Year VIP Membership to any other player's account, highlighting that the VIP Membership cannot be redeemed for their own account.

Scoring and Ranking:

Points will be awarded based on placements in each tournament, with cumulative points determining overall rankings. Additionally, half of the points earned by each player in the first tournament will be carried over to the second tournament, giving players a running start as they continue to compete for the top positions.

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