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First American Mah Jongg Black Belt Tournament

Reglas del Torneo

American Mah Jongg Black Belt Tournament Details:

  • Date: January 12th
  • Time: 9 AM Pacific Time (12 PM Eastern Time)
  • Participants: Open to all black belt American Mah Jongg players
  • Entry Fee: 500 coins
  • Rounds: 4 per tournament
  • Game Timer: 55 minutes

Special VIP Gift:

In recognition of the skill and dedication of the top performers, the first three winners of the American Mah Jongg Black Belt tournament will receive a Special VIP Gift. This One-Year VIP Membership must be given to another player's account and cannot be redeemed by the winner for themselves, ensuring the spirit of sharing and community remains at the forefront.

Prize Distribution:

The prize pool will consist of the gold coins collected from entry fees.

  • First Prize: 50% of collected coins
  • Second Prize: 35% of collected coins
  • Third Prize: 15% of collected coins

Scoring and Ranking:

Points will be awarded based on each player's placement, and cumulative points will determine the final standings. Additionally, half of the points earned in the first tournament will carry over to the second tournament, providing ongoing momentum as players vie for top positions.

Tie-Breaking Rules:

If a tie occurs in cumulative points, the player’s performance in the second tournament will determine the tie-break outcome.

Fair Play and Disqualification:

Fairness and integrity are paramount. Any unsportsmanlike behaviour will lead to disqualification.

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