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Important Scoring Changes - for WSoM and Japanese Rules

Changes to WSOM and Riichi Competition Scoring!

We have introduced some changes in our rules section for the progress for both WSoM and Riichi!
For WSoM, the rules are outlined below.
For example, previously a "Three Concealed Triplets" was scored as a 25 by Mahjong Time but now it is scored as a 30 under WSoM rules. Our development team is working hard to implement these important rule changes and we will send out an alert once they are completed! Here is a list of the specific rules and scoring changes that will be adopted:

  • There is a 5-point minimum limit for going out.
  • Concealed hand is re-defined and does not apply (add) to irregular hands (7 pairs and 13 Terminals).
  • Small Three Winds (MT = 25, WSoM = 30)
  • All Triplets (MT = 40, WSoM = 30)
  • Three Concealed Triplets (MT = 25, WSoM = 30)
  • Four Concealed Triplets (MT = 115, WSoM = 125)
  • Small Three Similar Triplets (MT = 25, WSoM = 30)
  • Win on Kong (MT = 15, WSoM = 10)
  • Robbing a Kong (MT = 15, WSoM = 10)
  • Blessing of Heaven (MT = 320, WSoM = 155)
  • Blessing of Earth (MT = 320, WSoM = 155)
  • Thirteen Terminals (MT = 320, WSoM = 160)
  • Seven Pairs (MT = 25, WSoM = 30)

  • For Riichi rules, we are following the lead of our partner organization, the European Mahjong Association (EMA). They have submitted some great rules and scoring changes.

    You can Click here for the knowing current Riichi rules as listed by the EMA. Please review our table below for information on the new Riichi rules changes that we will be implementing:

    EMA Rules Riichi Mahjong (future release) JM(on live)
    1.Points System fan=yaku+red_fives+
    dora+kan_dora+ura_dora minipoints
    kan_dora+ura_dora fus
    ura_dora+kan_dora fus
    2.Minimum points for Mahjong 1 yaku 1 hans 1 hans
    3.Red Fives yes yes no
    4.Minipoints calculation if fan<5 if hans <5 always
    5.Riichi Payment 1000 points 1000 points 0 points
    6.Bonus markers for tied games or when East remains East. yes yes no
    7.All Simples only concealed only concealed concealed/open sets
    8.Pinfu only concealed only concealed concealed/open sets
    9.Bottom of the Sea last tile, or the following discard last tile, or the following discard last tile
    10.Little Three Dragons 2 yaku 2 hans 4 hans
    11.Nagashi Mangan yes yes no
    12.Nine Gates only concealed only concealed concealed/open sets
    13.Blessing of Man yes yes no
    14.Little FourWinds yes yes no
    15.Big FourWinds yes yes no
    16.Four Winds no no yes
    17.Open Pinfu yes yes no
    18.Seven pairs (no further minipoints) yes yes no
    19.Uma bonus/penalty yes yes no
    20.No change Seat if East winner, or Tenpai if East winner, or Tenpai if East winner or dead wall
    21.Concealed Kong two middle tiles face-down two middle tiles face-down two middle tiles face- up
    22.Out From Start no no yes
    23.Blessing of Heaven yes yes no
    24.Blessing of Earth yes yes no
    25.Ready A player is not allowed to declare riichi if there are less than four tiles left in the wall. yes -
    26.Robbing concealed kong A concealed kong cannot be robbed, except to win on Thirteen Orphans. no no
    27.Players is Furiten. Declare valid Mahjong on Last Discard. yes yes no
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