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MahjongTime News
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MahjongTime News

A Bunch of Improvements to The Game

Tiles – Now you can enjoy a better tiles’ quality. The clear, attractive and interesting design will make you get more and more captivated.

Auto-ban system- this is the new system and one of the other new elaborated options which does not allow any profane words to reach the “Public Chat” players. In case you resort to such words, it will send you different types of messages:

1. First Offense: Polite request;

2. Second Offense: Issue warning;

3. Third Offense: ban the user for 3 hours;

4. Fourth Offense: Issue second warning;

5. Fifth Offense: Ban the user for 24 hours;

6. Sixth Offense: Final warning;

7. Seventh Offense: Expulsion/Account Termination;

Hope you will enjoy the peaceful and the friendly atmosphere both of the game and of the Public Chat.

Ignore List- another new option which allows you to transfer the players, who annoy, harass, threaten or insult you to another list. Thus, in the initial list, there will remain only the players you enjoy chatting with.
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