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Player Profile - Jade27

Our player profiles are your chance to learn more about some of the people you see online and have played against!

For this month, we are profiling player Jade27 who is one of two players that has reached the exclusive "Diamond Crown"!  He has consistently been one of the best players at Mahjong Time and is a current member.

* Diamond crown member - for playing more than 10,000 cash games!
* Winner of November HK FreeRoll Tournament
* Lives in the United Kingdom
* Winner of multiple "Best Games of the Week"

Thanks so much to Jade27 for taking the time to respond to our profile questions:

Q: How long have you played at Mahjong Time?
A:  8 months.

Q: What other interests/hobbies do you have in addition to mahjong?
A: Making friends and having fun.

Q:  What style of mahjong do you like best? Why is this your favorite?
A:   Riichi, it is fun and challenging.

Q: Tell us more about yourself! What would your other Mahjong Time players be surprised to know about you?
A: Well I'm a fun person who loves to play mahjong and challenger, making jokes and having a laugh with friends and having lots of fun.

Q: Do you have a favorite specific game or tournament you played on our site?
A: Riichi.

Q: What do you like about Mahjong Time?
A: The best place to play mahjong, make friends around the world, have fun and enjoy nice promotions. And freeroll tournaments are very fun.
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