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Mahjong Time and Russian Mahjong Federation Partnership

Mahjong Time has announced today its latest partnership agreement, this time with the Russian Mahjong Federation. Mahjong Time will work closely with the Russian Mahjong Federation to help promote the game of mahjong in Russia, both offline and online, through the organization and hosting of various tournaments, starting in 2008.

This partnership is the latest in a long line of tie-ins that Mahjong Time has with all of the key mahjong associations in Europe and Mahjong Time CEO, William Sutjiadi, commented: “We look forward to working closely with the Russian Mahjong Federation in order to help build on their existing membership and satisfy the great hunger and enthusiasm that the Russian people have for mahjong. We see relationships such as this as fundamental in helping us to achieve our aim of continuing to see the game of mahjong grow globally”.

President of Russian Mahjong Federation, Mark Chizhenok, commented: “Our partnership with Mahjong Time is a great opportunity to promote mahjong among the Russian players. Russia is a very big country with eleven time zones where mahjong players are spread for thousands of kilometers from East to West. Many of them have no chance to meet each other for a game of mahjong either than online. That is why we believe that Mahjong Time will become popular with the Russian players and we will work together to make it easy to access and play on the server all over Russia. It will help our Federation to develop the mahjong movement in Russia and makes the Russian players closer to the rest of the mahjong world. I hope that the players from other countries will benefit too because it will become easier to start the game in any hour of the day and to find strong rivals which the Russian players should be.”
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