Mahjong Time - 聯系我們 |
麻將時間有一支專門的客戶服務團隊來給你提供幫助或者回答你的問題。 |
請查看我們的 FAQ 頁面 看看我們是否已經回答了你的問題。.
聯系我們的最簡單的方式是填寫以下的“聯系我們”表單。請記住盡可能地提供詳細信息,以便我們能給你提供最好的服務。 |
- 電子郵件:
- Live Help: By logging into the game lobby and clicking on the "Live Help" button located on the system bar.
- By logging into the game lobby and clicking on the "Report a Problem" button (below "Community"). This is a preferred method when encountering problems, as it will automatically send all the required game data, etc to our developers
- Correspondence:
Please write to us at the address below:
Mahjong Time
11681 Westview Pkwy San Diego, CA 92126