1.0 |
1.1 |
All Sequences (平和) : 5
The hand contains 4 sequences; no triplets/kong.
(There are no other restrictions as to the eyes pair, single call, or concealed hand.) |
1.2 |
Concealed Hand (門前清) : 5
A regular hand which is concealed, without melding any exposed sets before winning. Winning
on discard is okay. Concealed kong are okay. |
1.3 |
No Terminals (斷么九) : 5
The hand consists entirely of middle number tiles (2 to 8); no terminals or honors. |
2.0 |
2.1.1 |
Mixed One-Suit (混一色) : 40
The hand consists entirely of number tiles in one suit, plus honor tiles. |
2.1.2 |
Pure One-Suit (清一色) : 100
The hand consists entirely of number tiles in one suit. |
2.2 |
Nine Gates (九蓮寶燈) : 480
A 9-way call hand, with "1112345678999" in one suit in your hand, and winning on any one tile in the same suit.
(See also "Nine Gates Self-draw rule".) |
3.0 |
3.1 |
Value Honor (番牌) : 10 per set
A triplet/kong of Seat Wind (your own Wind) or Dragons.
Note: in Zung Jung Rules System the Prevailing Wind is not recognized. |
3.2.1 |
Small Three Dragons (小三元) : 30
Two triplet/kong of Dragons, plus a pair of Dragons as the eyes.
Example:   ﹐   ﹐  (eyes) |
3.2.2 |
Big Three Dragons (大三元) : 130
Three triplet/kong of Dragons.
  ﹐  ﹐  
(This hand always includes three Dragon triplets, so it scores at least 130+10+10+10=160 points.) |
3.3.1 |
Small Three Winds (小三風) : 25
Two triplet/kong of Winds, plus a pair of Winds as the eyes.
Example:   ﹐   ﹐  (eyes) |
3.3.2 |
Big Three Winds (大三風) : 120
Three triplet/kong of Winds.
Example:   ﹐   ﹐    |
3.3.3 |
Small Four Winds (小四喜) : 320
Three triplet/kong of Winds, plus a pair of Winds as the eyes.
Example:   ﹐   ﹐   ﹐  (eyes) |
3.3.4 |
Big Four Winds (大四喜) : 400
Four triplet/kong of Winds.
  ﹐   ﹐   ﹐    |
3.4 |
All Honors (字一色) : 320
The hand consists entirely of honor tiles. |
4.0 |
4.1 |
All Triplets (對對和) : 30
The hand contains 4 set of triplets/kong; no sequences. |
4.2.1 |
Two Concealed Triplets (二暗刻) : 5
The hand contains two concealed triplets/concealed kong. |
4.2.2 |
Three Concealed Triplets (三暗刻) : 30
The hand contains three concealed triplets/concealed kong. |
4.2.3 |
Four Concealed Triplets (四暗刻) : 125
The hand contains four concealed triplets/concealed kong. |
4.3.1 |
One Kong (一槓) : 5
The hand contains one kong. (Irrespective of whether it is exposed or concealed; same below.) |
4.3.2 |
Two Kong (二槓) : 20
The hand contains two kong. |
4.3.3 |
Three Kong (三槓) : 120
The hand contains three kong. |
4.3.4 |
Four Kong (四槓) : 480
The hand contains four kong. |
5.0 |
Identical sets are sets in the same suit in the same numbers. Obviously, only sequences can be identical. |
5.1.1 |
Two Identical Sequences (一般高) : 10
Two sequences in the same suit in the same numbers.
Example:   ﹐    |
5.1.2 |
Two Identical Sequences Twice (兩般高) : 55
The hand contains two groups of "Two Identical Sequences".
Example:   ﹐   ﹐   ﹐    |
5.1.3 |
Three Identical Sequences (一色三同順) : 120
Three sequences in the same suit in the same numbers.
Example:   ﹐   ﹐    |
5.1.4 |
Four Identical Sequences (一色四同順) : 480
Four sequences in the same suit in the same numbers.
Example:   ﹐   ﹐   ﹐    |
6.0 |
Similar Sets are sets in the same numbers across 3 different suits.
In Zung Jung Rules System , all 3 suits must be present; 2-suit patterns are not recognized.
6.1 |
Three Similar Sequences (三色同順) : 35
Three sequences in the same numbers across three different suits.
Example:   ﹐   ﹐   |
6.2.1 |
Small Three Similar Triplets (三色小同刻) : 30
Two triplets/kong in the same number in two different suits, and the eye pair in the same number in the third suit.
Example:   ﹐   ﹐  (eye)
6.2.2 |
Three Similar Triplets (三色同刻) : 120
Three triplets/kong in the same number across three different suits.
Example:   ﹐  ﹐   |