Number of players |
3 |
Number of players at the table |
Player Winds |
East, South, West |
Seat winds for players at the table |
Game type |
Cash |
Game types allowed to use this ruleset |
Distribution end |
Win, draw, bankruptcy |
Conditions that cause the end of the current distribution |
Tonpusen |
Starting score:
25 000 points
Applies to tables only with the East Round |
Hanchan |
Starting score:
30 000 points |
Applies to tables with both East and South Rounds
Uma |
1st place: +5000,
2nd place: 0,
3rd place: -5000
Bonus points given at the end of the game to player on the 1st position by the one on the 3rd |
Double East payment |
No |
Does the East pay double in case someone claims Tsumo |
Tiles in the game |
108 |
The number of tiles in the set used for the game |
Dead wall |
18 |
The number of tiles in the dead wall |
Chii |
No |
Able to claim Chii in the game |
Kuitan |
Yes |
A rule allowing an open Tanyao hand (No Terminals and Honours) |
Atodzuke |
Yes |
A rule allowing a Ron on a hand without yaku - as long as the claimed tile brings a yaku |
No |
Claiming a melded set and then discarding a tile from the same set |
Dabururon |
Yes |
A rule allowing a double-Ron, in the case of a triple-Ron the discarder credits all 3 players |
Toripururon |
No |
As in Dabururon, when multiple players claim Ron on the same tile - all 3 are credited by the discarder |
Akadora |
3 |
Uradora |
Yes |
Additional Doras |
Kandora |
Yes |
After each Kong claim additional Dora indicators are opened |
Nuki Dora |
North wind |
Additional Dora tiles in the game |
II Han Shibari |
Yes |
A rule requiring a minimum of 1 yaku for a winning hand |
Yakitori |
No |
A rule requiring a penalty to be paid by a player that hasn’t won a single hand during the whole game |
Bankruptcy |
Yes |
The game ends if one or more players drop to negative score |
Riichi |
Yes |
A player with less than 1000 points cannot claim Riichi |
Daburu Riichi |
Yes |
Claiming Riichi at the very first discard |
Riichi claim on Furiten |
Yes |
A player can claim Riichi being on Furiten |
Furiten |
Yes |
Not allowed to claim Ron being on Furiten |
Renchan |
Yes |
Dealer’s win/Dealer having a tempai hand |
Game ends at dealer’s win |
Yes |
If the dealer wins or has tempai in a draw game, and leads the scoreboard at the last distribution - the game ends |
Shika-riichi |
No |
If 4 riichi claims are set - the game ends |
Kyushu Kyuhai |
Yes |
A rule allowing a player to claim a draw with his initial hand if it has at least 9 yaochu (Terminals and Honours) as long as no combinations were claimed |
Su Fon Renda |
No |
A draw is set if 4 same winds are discarded at the very first go-around, as long as no claims were made. The dealer changes |
Draw on the 4th Kan |
No |
A draw is set when the same player claims their 4th Kan. The dealer changes |
Nagashi Mangan |
Yes |
After an exhaustive draw, a player can claim this special hand if he has discarded only terminal and honour tiles and none of his discards has been claimed. The player receives payment equivalent to a mangan |
Formal Tempai |
Yes |
A hand without yaku value can also be tempai |
Insurance Penalty |
Yes |
A player that discards the tile that completes a Yakuman hand pays in full in case of Tsumo, half-in-half in case of Ron |
Double Limit |
Yes |
Double yakuman payments are possible |
Kazoe yakuman |
Yes |
If a hand is worth more than 12 yaku - only up to a “yakuman” payment can be given |
Daisharin |
Yes |
(The Big Wheel) Seven consecutive pairs from 2 through 8 of the dots suit |
Ryuu iisou |
Yes |
(All Green) Hand of green bamboo (2,3,4,6,8) and green dragons |
Chuuren pooto |
Yes |
(Nine Gates) 1112345678999 + one duplicate of the same suit |
Tenho |
Yes |
(Blessing of Heaven) The dealer wins on the initially distributed tiles |
Chiho |
Yes |
(Blessing of Earth) Winning with selfdraw in the first go-around |
Renho |
Yes |
(Blessing of Man) Claiming Ron on someone's first discard |
Suu kantsu |
Yes |
(Four Kans) Yakuman hand consisting of four kans |
Koku shimusou |
Yes |
(Thirteen Orphans) One of each honour and terminal and one duplicate. |