Mahjong Competition Scoring
12 POINTS HANDS - Total of 5 hands
45. |
Lesser Honors and Knitted Tiles
A hand made of singles of the following tiles: Any Honor tile, along with Suit Tiles that belong to different Knitted sequences (for example. 1-4-7 of Characters, 2-5-8 of Bamboos, and 3-6-9 of Dots - each of the 3 suits must belong to a different Knitted! sequence, but not necessarily in the order above). When finished with 7 honor tiles, the hand becomes Greater Honors and Knitted Tiles (see below). Fully Concealed may be combined if Self-Drawn. Points for All Types are not added.
Example 14
46. |
Knitted Straight
A special Straight which is formed not with standard Chows but with 3 different Knitted sequences. For example, 1-4-7 of Dots, 2-5-8 of Characters, and 3-6-9 of Bamboos - but not necessarily in this order.
Example 15
* Combined with All Chows.
Example 16
* Combined with All Types and Pung of Terminals or Honors.
47. |
Upper Four
A hand created with suit tiles 6 through 9. The point for No Honors is implied.
Example 17
* Combined with Tile Hog and Mixed Double Chow.
Example 18
* Combined with Mixed Triple Chow, Pure Double Chow, and All Chows.
48. |
Lower Four
A hand created with suit tiles 1 through 4. The point for No Honors is implied
Example 19
* Combined with Mixed Triple Chow, Pure Double Chow, and All Chows.
49. |
Big Three Winds
A hand that includes one Pung (or Kong) each of three winds.
Example 20
* Combined with All Terminals and Honors, and One Voided Suit.
Example 21
* Combined with Half Flush.
16 POINTS HANDS - Total of 6 hands
50. |
Pure Straight
A hand using tiles 1-9 from any one suit, forming three consecutive Chows.
Example 22
* Combined with Full Flush, Pure Double Chow, and All Chows.
Example 23
* Combined with No Honors and One Voided Suit.
- Pure Straight - 16
- Half Flush - 6
- Pure Double Chow ( 1,2,3-bamboo 1,2,3-bamboo ) - 1
- Single Wait - 1
* Short Straight (1,2,3-bamboo 4,5,6-bamboo ) is not counted because 1,2,3 - bamboo has already been used in Pure Double Chow
51. |
Three-suited Terminal Chows
A hand consisting of 1-2-3 + 7-8-9 in one suit (Two Terminal Chows). 1-2-3 + 7-8-9 in another suit, and finally, a head of fives in the remaining suit.
Example 24
* Points tor Mixed Double Chow, Two Terminal Chows, No Honors, and All Chows are all implied.
52. |
Pure Shifted Chows
Three chows in one suit each shifted either one or two numbers up from the last, but not a combination of both.
Example 25
* Combined with All Chows, Mixed Double Chow, and One Voided Suit.
Example 26
* Combined with No Honors.
53. |
All Fives
A hand in which every element includes a 5 tile.
Example 27
* Combined with Middle tiles, Mixed Triple Chow, Tile Hog, Pure Double Chow, and All Chows.
Example 28
* Combined with Tile Hog and Double Pung.
54. |
Triple Pung
Three Pungs, one in each suit, of the same number.
Example 29
* Combined with Lower Four, Tile Hog, and All Simples.
55. |
Three Concealed Pungs
Three Pungs achieved without claiming tiles.
Example 30
* Combined with All Terminals and Honors, All Types, and Dragon Pung. Can also combine with the Prevalent Wind and Seat Wind.
Example 31
* Combined with Full Flush.
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