56. |
Seven Pairs
A hand formed by seven pairs. Always finishes with a single wait. Does not combine with Concealed Hand, or Single Wait.
Example 32
* Combined with Tile Hog, All Simples, and One Voided Suit.
Example 33
* Combined with Tile Hog and All Terminals.
57. |
Greater Honors and Knitted Tiles
Formed by 7 single Honors and singles of suit tiles belonging to separate Knitted sequences (for example, 1-4-7 of Bamboos, 2-5-8 of Characters, and 3-6-9 of Dots). Does not combine with All Types, Concealed Hand, or Single Wait.
Example 34
58. |
All Even
A hand formed with Pungs of 2. 4. 6 and 8 tiles and a head of the same. Points for All Pungs and All Simples are implied.
Example 35
* Combined with Double Pung (2) and One Voided Suit.
59. |
Full Flush
A hand formed entirely of a single suit. The point for No Honors is implied.
Example 36
* Combined with Four Pure Shifted Pungs and Pung of Terminals or Honors. All Pungs is not added, since it does not combine with Four Pure Shifted Pungs.
Example 37
* Combined with Quadruple Chow, Lower Four, and All Chows.
60. |
Pure Triple Chow
Three runs of the same numerical sequence and in the same suit. Does not combine with Pure Shifted Pungs.
Example 38
* Combined with Middle Tiles, All Fives. All Chows, Mixed Double Chow, and One Voided Suit.
61. |
Pure Shifted Pungs
Three Pungs of the same suit, each shifted one up from the last. Does not combine with Pure Triple Chow.
Example 39
* Combined with Lower Four, All Pungs, All Simples, Double Pung, and One Voided Suit.
62. |
Upper Tiles
A hand consisting entirely of 7, 8, and 9 tiles. The point for No Honors is implied.
Example 40
* Combined with Double Pung, All Pungs, and Pung of Terminals or Honors.
Example 41
* Combined with Mixed Double Chow, Double Pung, and Tile Hog.
63. |
Middle Tiles
A hand consisting entirety of 4, 5, and 6 tiles. The point for No Honors is implied.
Example 42
* Combined with Pure Shifted Pungs, Tile Hog (3), and One Voided Suit.
64. |
Lower Tiles
A hand consisting entirely of 1, 2, and 3 tiles. The point for No Honors is implied.
Example 43
* Combined with Mixed Triple Chow, All Chows, Tile Hog, and Pure Double Chow.